Instagram Wrap Up: August

I am starting a monthly wrap up of my favourite Instagram posts of the month. August was filled with changes and I was still loving the pictures I took on my Europe trip. I also had a bit of an image change, which I loved, but now seeing these pictures with my long hair I'm feeling a bit nostalgic for it. Tell me how your August was in the comments down bellow!

A photo posted by Daniela Del Toro (@danidelt) on

A photo posted by Daniela Del Toro (@danidelt) on

A photo posted by Daniela Del Toro (@danidelt) on

A photo posted by Daniela Del Toro (@danidelt) on

A photo posted by Daniela Del Toro (@danidelt) on

A photo posted by Daniela Del Toro (@danidelt) on

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram and Facebook
Until next time loves!

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