Travel With Me: London

London is one of my favourite cities in the world, it might actually be my fave, but I had never been to it in actual summer weather. I got to be there for the hottest day in nine years! I thought I would show you guys a bit of my trip and give you some info on the city.

I stayed in an apartment (or flat as they are called by the brits) because it was more comfortable for the four of us and had more space. I have always stayed in flats when I go to London and they are best option in my opinion. If you are planning on renting a flat bear in mind that most apartment buildings dont have elevators and you will have to carry your luggage up the flight of stairs. The area I stayed was close to Fitzrovia Square and had the most beautiful buildings around, plus they always had flowers around.

One of my favourite things to do in London is just walk around through the busy streets or the beautiful gardens. There are always beautiful sights around. Also if you are into architecture there are many gorgeous buildings in London.

I usually enjoy going to museums, and since I was travelling with two history lovers, I ended up going to the British Museum and the Museum of Natural History. They are both quite different, but definitely worth checking out! 

Aside from the obvious, shopping, I also went to the Thames river, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and of course rode a double decker bus.

My Greece and Madrid travel guides will be coming soon! If you have any more questions or want some recomendations leave it down in the comments, or message me on Twitter or Facebook.

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram and Facebook
Until next time loves!

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